It all started with us two...Todo empezo con nosotros dos...

Now there is 5 of us!

Now there is 5 of us!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

New School Year! /Vuelta al cole!

Hi everybody! I cannot believe Summer is almost over. We had a fun, busy Summer. As usual, it's non stop at the Wickwire's household! Now, back to the routine and busy life's schedule with a lot of new but exciting things:
Clara just started school at her new "big girl school" this past Monday. She wasn't too excited but she wasn't sad either. Everything was new: wearing a uniform, more kids, new classmates, new teacher, new facilities, new schedule... So there we went the first day to be with her. It was soo cute to see all these little kids wearing their uniforms waiting in line for their teacher. As it was the first day we were able to walk her into her classroom, we all prayed and then left. I was sad and cried as I was leaving, just because it was too many changes and I just wanted her to be happy and fine and so she was. When I went to pick her up she said she LOVED her new school and that she is excited she gets to go everyday. So it was great, and we are getting used to getting up earlier and getting into a routine.
The next new thing for our family is that I will be starting work part-time next week. I will be teaching 6th, 7th and 8th grade Spanish at a private school in Long Beach. I took it because it was a good fit: good schedule (only 3 days a week, 3 hours so I will be home by 1.15pm), good commute, good school...I thought it was too good to let it go...It will be good for me to keep me fresh in my career and give me a break from my household chores. It was a very meditated decision...after talking to Craig and my parents I had no doubts that taking it was the right choice. So life has been kind of hectic (and when it's not here?) with back to new school, new job, swimming, soccer, twins' club, birthday parties etc... We are trying to juggle all this as good as we can having or girls always be the priority of it all. I am blessed to have an awesome, hard-working, hands-on dad and all this is possible because we are a team and we make it work....but oh my! Can't wait to have our date nights next week or so! Hugs and kisses for everybody! PS- Here are a couple of pictures of Clara's first day at school.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Summer Fun! / Verano divertido!

We are not going to Spain this Summer so I thought it was going to be a long, boooring SUmmer but to tell you the truth, we have been having a lot of fun (although nothing replaces 6 weeks in Spain surrounded by family, good friends, awesome food and non-stop fun :) ). Anyhow, we have been busy with birthday parties, the 4th of July, Summer Picnics, Movie nights and just hanging out in the backyard. Here are some recent pictures of our Summer so far. Next Saturday we are celebrating Clara's birthday, who turns 5 (WOW!) in August 2nd so I will write a post after the birthday to tell you about it and post some pictures. Hugs & kisses.

Este verano no nos vamos a Espana, asi que yo me imaginaba un verano superaburrido y larguiiisimo aqui sin hacer nada pero la verdad es que nos lo estamos pasando bastante bien (aunque nada que ver y nada puede reemplazar 6 semanas en Espana rodeados de familia, buenos amigos, estupenda comida y disfrute al maximo :) ). En fin, no hemos parado con fiestas de cumple, la celebracion del 4 de Julio, picnics de verano, cine, y mucho tiempo en el jardin disfrutando del buen tiempo. Aqui teneis algunas fotos de este mes lleno de actividades.El proximo Sabado dia 30 celebramos la fiesta de cumple de Clara que cumple 5 anios (MADRE!) el dos de Agosto, asi que ya pondre fotos y os contare despues de que pase. Muchos besos para todos!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Twins turn 2! Las gemelas cumplen 2 anios!

On Saturday, June 18th, the twins turned 2. It was their actual birthday so we had a birthday party at our house with a cute theme: Dr. Seuss Thing 1 and Thing 2. Pictures are better than words so I have attached a couple of them from the party. All the kiddos had a lot of fun and were exhausted! I had a blast organizing the party and making all the decorations. I hope you like them! Hugs & kisses.

El sabado 18 de Junio las gemelas cumplieron 2 anios. Era el dia de su cumple asi que hicimos una fiesta aqui en casa. El tema era unos personajes de un autor de libros de ninos que se llama Dr.Seuss, muy popular aqui en USA. Los personajes se llaman Thing 1 (Cosa1) y Thing 2 (Cosa 2). Como las fotos muestran mas que las palabras aqui os pongo unas cuantas. Todos los ninos se lo pasaron fenomenal y los agotamos! Yo me lo pase genial planeando la fiesta y haciendo todas las decoraciones, espero que os gusten. Besos!

Friday, June 10, 2011

I am here! Estoy aqui!

Wow! Time goes by so fast and I realized I haven't updated the blog in a while. We are so busy, it seems that we get busier as time goes by...Since last time we had Easter and the most recent event was Clara's graduation from Preschool. I cannot believe she is done with that stage...time do really flies...Her graduation was so cute, to see these little kids performing is always fun! They did a great job and then they all got their diplomas. We took Clara out to dinner with Nana and Grandpa and she had a great night, she said it was a "special day" :) She is so cute and is growing so fast. She has been sick with a kind of stomach flu for the past week. A whole week without going to school!! Wow! Today she was excited to go back.
Summer is almost here and we have been having birthday parties every weekend, plus Clara's swimming lessons, Mother's Day, birthdays, anniversaries....Life is good but busy. Twins are talking more and they are so funny, I swear their personalities are so different but hilarious. Craig and I are having the time of our lives observing them interact with each other: playing, fighting, just hanging out...It is so cool to have 2 :) I still vividly remember the day the doctor said: "oh, hold on, there are two! " And I am like: " You are kidding right?????????" Wow! What a shock and what a blessing, I wouldn't change my 3 girls for anything in the world. Attached are a couple of pictures from Clara's graduation and from these past weeks. Hope you like them.
Since we are not going to Spain this Summer I have been planning the twins' birthday party and I am having a lot of fun, I love planning parties, it's just that I don't have a lot of time. I promise to post some pictures of their birthday, which is taking place in a week. Hugs and kisses for everybody!

Madre mia! El tiempo vuela y me he dado cuenta que hace tiempo que no actualizo el blog. No paramos, y parece que cada vez mas ocupados...Desde la ultima vez que escribi lo mas emocionante que paso fue la celebracion de Pascua y la graduacion de Clara de la guarde. No me puedo creer que ya haya terminado esta etapa...el tiempo vuela...La graduacion fue supergraciosa, ver a los enanos actuar siempre es supergracioso! Lo hicieron genial y todos recibieron sus diplomas.Luego llevamos a Clara a cenar con los abuelos, Chic y Ellen, dijo que se lo paso genial, que era una noche especial :) Es tan mona y esta creciendo tan rapido... La pobre ha estado malita con un virus de estomago durante toda la semana masado, una semana entera sin ir a la guarde!!! Hoy estaba supercontenta de poder ir. El Verano esta casi aqui...hemos estado teniendo fiestas de cumples todos los findes, mas clases de natacion, Dia de la Madre, cumples, aniversarios etc...Todo genial pero sin parar.Las gemelas estan empezando a hablar mas y estan supergraciosas, sus personalidades son superdistintas pero graciosisimas cada una en su estilo. Craig y yo estamos disfrutando un monton observandolas y viendo como actua la una con la otra: juegan, se pelean, se relajan...Es tan guay tener dos :) Todavia recuerdo perfectamente el momento en el que el medico me dijo: "oh, espera un momentoo, hay 2! " Y yo: " Estas de broma no?????????" Wow! Vaya susto y vaya bendicion al mismo tiempo, no cambiaria el tener a mis 3 ninas por nada en el mundo. He colgado un par de fotos de la graduacion de Clara y de estas ultimas semanas, espero que os gusten. Como este verano no vamos a Espana :(, he estado organizando la fiesta de cumple de las gemelas y estoy disfrutando un monton! Me encanta organizar fiestas, lo unico que no tengo mucho tiempo. Prometo colgar fotos de su cumple, que sera en una semana. Besos y abrazos para todos!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

It's almost March already?/ Es casi Marzo ya?

I cannot believe, well, actually I do believe it, that my last post was around Halloween....I think life gets busier and busier...and even busier now that Craig's busy season has officially began :(
So life is good...Clara is growing sooo fast and she is such a good girl. Next year she will be in Kindergarten. I know she will miss her friends and teachers at Patti's Preschool (what an awesome place for your kids) but she is going to love her new school too. She seems very excited.

I am very busy staying at home with the kids but enjoying every minute of it because I know this is it! No more kids for us, we wanted 3, we got 3. I am still in shock that we have twins...They are so precious and fun, and it's so special....I still think how lucky I was the 1 in 250 women who has identical twins. They are very active...nothing like Clara, they are kind of crazy, non-stop, climbing, finding the most dangerous things to do...and a lot of FUN! They are saying more and more words every day...

And that's it. We miss Craig and won't be seeing much of him until April 15th but hey! No complaints. Everything we have is thanks to his hard work.

Well, I hope to be back for Easter :). Hugs and kisses.

No me creo, bueno, de hecho si que me lo creo, que el ultimo post que escribi fue por Halloween...Esto es un sin parar, y ahora que ha empezado la epoca de mas trabajo de Craig, pues todavia mas!
Por aqui todo muy bien. Clara esta creciendo superrapido y la verdad que es muy buenina. El anio que viene ya empieza el cole de mayores, a primero de Preescolar (o como se llame ahora). Se que va a echar de menos a sus amigos de la guarde pero le va a encantar su nuevo cole, esta muy contenta.

Yo sigo en casa, sin parar con las 3 ninas pero disfrutandolo mucho porque se que ya no habra mas bebes. Queriamos 3 y tuvimos nuestros 3! Y todavia no me creo que tengamos gemelas...Son tan monas y divertidas y es algo especial...Todavia no me creo que gemelos ocurren 1 en 250 embarazos y me toco a mi la loteria :) Son superactivas, no tienen nada que ver con Clara, estan un poco loquitas, no paran, todo el dia escalando por todos lados, y siempre encuentran las cosas mas peligrosas que hacer...La verdad que son muy divertidas y cada vez estan diciendo mas palabras pero no hablan tanto como Clara hablaba a su edad.

Y esto es todo. Echamos de menos a Craig y no le veremos mucho hasta el 15 de Abril, pero no nos podemos quejar. Todo lo que tenemos es gracias a su duro trabajo.

Bueno, me imagino que estare de vuelta como por Pascua para contaros mas novedades. Besos para todos/as!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Halloween weekend

So...Halloween was a lot of fun, pretty busy the whole month and it's already over! I love Fall, I love all the activities, the weather, the color of the sky... The kids (and I!) have so much fun...
As every year we go with our friends the Pearsons to the Pumpkin Patch, where Clara really enjoys the rides and we buy our pumpkins there. I have attached a couple of pictures of the ocassion. Every year we also go trick or treating to Disneyland, it is a magical night for everybody and the kids have a blast...This year, Clara was a ladybug and the twins were butterflies, everybody looked so cute. Clara's class also had the Halloween party on Friday, this year I was brave enough to take the twins with me and they loved Clara's school, they were into everything, even circle time (that one in the picture paying attention to the teacher is Ines :) ). And Halloween night finally arrived and as every year, we went to the Wickwires in Seal Beach (Craig's oldest brother). We enjoyed some Chili and cornbread and then out to the streets...Clara loves trick or treating with her cousin Maggie. Overall, a fun weekend with lots of candy!! Next: Thanksgiving.

Bueno...Halloween fue superdivertido, sin parar durante todo el mes y no me puedo creer que ya se haya pasado! Me encanta el Otono, todas las actividades que hay, el tiempo, el color del cielo aqui en Cali (por fin se ve alguna nube!). Las ninas (y yo!) nos lo pasamos genial...
TOdos los anios vamos con nuestros amigos los Pearsons al Pumpkin Patch (uns sitio con barracas y lleno de calabazas), y Clara se lo pasa pipa montandose en todo y es ahi donde compramos las calabazas.He colgado un par de fotos del dia que fuimos. Tambien todos los anios vamos de "Truco o trato" a Disneylandia, es una noche magica para todos y los ninos se lo pasan como en la vida... Este anio Clara se disfrazo de mariquita y las gemelas de mariposas, estaban las 3 ideales. Tambien tuvimos la fiesta de Halloween en la guarde de Clara. Este anio fui lo suficientemente valiente como para llevar a las gemelas, y claro! se lo pasaron guay! con todo lo que hay para tocar...hasta se integraron en la clase (Ines es la que esta prestando atencion a la profe :) ). Y por fin llego la noche de Halloween, como todos los anios vamos a casa de mis cunados (el hermano mayor de Craig) en Seal Beach. Nos tomamos una sopa de chili y un pan de maiz bueniisimo y luego, hala! a la calle a pedir caramelos! A Clara le encanta ir de "Truco o trato" con su prima Maggie. En resume, un finde muy divertido con kilos de caramelos como resultado. Siguiente parada: Dia de Accion de Gracias

Monday, October 25, 2010

Spain! / Espana!

So here I am in October to tell you about our Summer in Spain, doesn't this give you a hint of how crazy life is in this country? I need 36 hours in my day to do everything that needs to get done :-)
Sooo...where to begin?? Well, the best thing is to begin saying what a wonderful trip we always...I went with the girls for a total of almost 6 weeks and Craig joined us the last 3 weeks. The 3 girls did great and didn't notice the time change (9 hours!!!). We were blessed to have them sleeping 12 hours at night and awake during the day since day 1! We first spent a couple of weeks in my hometown,Oviedo, at my parents' house and then joined the rest of the family at the Summer House in Ovinana, we love it there, it's awesome to have a full house and see all my family interact with my kids. The family, life style, time to enjoy, nice weather...always make the perfect vacation. This year was extra special since we baptized the twins there. Craig's parents and grandma came from the US to share this special day with us, it was fun and a memorable day. Thanks to my grandma Lele for organizing all this. Thanks to Tol and my grandma Presen for having us and always taking care of us, thanks to my parents for making sure we got everything we needed, thanks to my whole family for always being there for me, for spending time with us and for loving us unconditionally, you always make it so hard to say good-bye. And thanks to my husband whose hard work allows us to make this wonderful trip every year. I have a ton of pictures as you can imagine but I am still having problems posting them the way I want in the blog so here are just a couple, hope you like them.

Bueno, pues aqui estoy en Octubre para contaros sobre el verano en Espana, no os da esto una idea de la locura de vida en este pais?Necesitaria como 36 horas en el dia para poder hacer todo lo que tengo que hacer :-)
Asi que...por donde empezar?? Bueno, lo mejor seria comenzar diciendo el viaje tan estupendo que tuvimos...como siempre...Yo me fui con las ninas durante casi 6 semanas y Craig se vino las 3 ultimas. Las ninas se portaron genial y ni notaron el cambio de horarioe (9 horas!!!). Tuvimos una suerte increible de que durmiesen 12 horas por la noche y estuviesen despiertas durante el dia ya desde el primer dia! Primero pasamos un par de semanas en Oviedo, en casa de mis padres y despues nos unimos al resto de la family en Ovinana, Cudillero, en casa de la tia Tol, alli estamos felices, nos encanta todo el barullo de gente en la casa, y ver como toda mi familia juega con las ninas. La familia, el estilo de via, tiempo para relajarse, un tiempo estupendo..todo esto siempre da lugar a las vacaciones perfectas. Este anio, si puede ser, ha sido un poco mas especial ya que hemos bautizado a las gemelas alli. Los padres de Craig y su abuela vinieron desde USA para compartir ese dia con nosotros , fue un dia muy divertido e inolvidable. Gracias a la abuela Lele por organizarlo. Gracias a Tol y a la abuela Presen por acojernos y siempre cuidarnos, gracias a mis padres por hacer lo imposible por asegurarse que siempre tuviesemos todo lo que necesitabamos , gracias a toda mi familia por estar siempre ahi para mi, por pasar tiempo con nosotros y por querernos incondicionalmente, siempre haceis que la despedida sea mucho mas dificil de lo que en si ya es. Y gracias a mi maridin, cuyo trabajo nos permite realizar este maravilloso viaje todos los anios. Tengo un monton de fotos pero todavia tengo problemas para ponerlas como quiero en el blog, asi que solo he colgado un par, espero que os gusten. Besos para todos!
