Hoy ha sido el dia de la madre aqui y que dia tan estupendo he pasado con mi familia.Craig queria que me relajase hoy y lo ha conseguido! Por la manana el se ocupo de las enanas asi que no me levante hasta las 7:40 am que es superraro porque normalmente siempre estoy en pie no mas tarde de las 7am dando de desayunar a todas y preparando a Clara para la guarde. Me levante y tenia un ramo precioso de flores y Clara me habia hecho en el cole un collar mas mono con un plato de papel, le quedo genial, aqui esta la foto. Despues, Craig y Clara prepararon un desayuno estupendo: tortitas, huevos revueltos, salchichas, zumo de naranja y cafe. Estaba LLENA. Despues fuimos a misa, luego a tomar algo con unos amigos y sus hijos. Luego llegamos a casa, dimos de comer a las gemelas y...adiosss! Me fui de compras yo sola! Sin empujar sillitas dobles, ni "perdone, nos deja pasar por favor?" Me compre unas cuantas cosas que por fin me quedan bien, ya era hora, despues de casi un anio...y unas chaquetinas rosas para las gemelas muy monas. Despues fui a recoger las fotos esas de las que os habia hablado en mi ultimo post y despues a casa. Los cinco estuvimos jugando en el jardin y que risa, porque era la primera vez que las gemelas tocaban la hierba y a Alicia no le gusto lo mas minimo! Fue superdivertido ver su reaccion, he intentado colgar el video, pero no me deja, tienen que ser supercor. Despues, cenas, banos etc...y por fin, hora de relajarnos, vaso de vino y...a disfrutar de la vida! Gracias a mi maridin por un dia de la madre tan estupendo. Adoro a mi familia.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mother's day/ Dia de la madre
Today was Mother's day and what a great day I had with my family. Craig made sure I got to relax today and I did! He took care of the kids in the morning so I didn't get up until 7:40 am which is really a treat taking into account I am up not later than 7 am everyday feeding everybody and getting Clara ready for school. I woke up to a beautiful bouquet of flowers and Clara made me this cute neckless at school, what a great job she did. You can see the picture here. Craig and Clara made a delicious breakfast consisting of pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausages, coffee and orange juice! I was FULL. After that we went to mass and then to have something to eat with some friends of ours and their kids. Got home, fed the twins and adioooosss! I went shopping by myself!! Yes!! No pushing double strollers trying to get by and no "excuse us" :) I got a few cute clothes that actually fit me good (finally! after almost a year!) and a these pink cute sweaters for the twins. Then I went to pick up the pictures from that fundraiser I told you about in my last post and went home. Then the 5 of us were playing in the backyard and it was a lot of fun. It was the twins' first time touching the grass and let me tell you, Alicia didn't like it at all! It was so funny to see her reaction, I tried to post the video but it is not letting me, I guess it is too long. Then dinner time, baths etc...and finally time to relax!A glass of wine....life is good. Thanks to my hubby for a wonderful Mother's day. I love my family.
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